PUCN WATCHDOGS is an UPDATED VERSION of PUC WATCHDOGS, an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and other PUC employees. The public has a right to see and know about who is making determinations that have a direct impact upon them. Do NOT Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium with WatchDogs! The First Amendment will be utilized, enacted and upheld! Opinions are just that opinions!
Humor is ALWAYS required when dealing with those who are under the misguided impression that they are "Above" everyone else. If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office, you work for US. WE are YOUR employer, do your job or we will take you to task.
We have RIGHTS and will NOT have them SUBVERTED by any stretch of the imagination.
Established in 2017.
Site Contents
Updated: June 16, 2017
Opinions expressed on this website are fully protected by the First Amendment. Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign! FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues of significance. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
February 28, 2017: Update- MUSICAL CHAIRS at PUKE AGAIN! So we have Jessica Rabbit going from playing Admin Atty to Ass. General Counsel; Andy Hall...now, is a SENIOR ATTORNEY in Staff Counsel. So that leaves Danny Boy to be the ‘lead’ Admin Atty to the Communists...err, Commissioners. So, since when and WHERE was there ANY MENTION in the budget to hire 1 more, barely knowledgeable lawyer (li-ars) to advise the marionettes that sit on the dais, since there were these change of positions? The lying bullshit artists at PUKE, want to keep their activities STEATH, as to who our extorted monies, that feed their Mill Assessment, are paying for. They THOUGHT they were SLICK removing the FULL DIVISION LIST…when time permits, it will be recreated, that will fix THAT! February 27, 2017: Without fail, Hellie sends her Garret approved fucking bullshit letter regarding providing FOIA requests. The bullshit story Hellie wants to be considered as VALID, is that the request can’t be completed until JUNE FIRST! Then watch Garret upcoming BULLSHIT, that since NVE’s GRC was filed , and they are OVERLOADED! Yet, the GC’s office INCREASED staff by one, aka Jessie, and Garret plopped his lying ass on March 3rd at the Energy Committee meeting, also. If Garret thinks his bullshit is going to be tolerated, he better go and drink the Kool-Aid, as we know he is nothing short of a lying, bullshit artist, denying the public access to the activities that they are doing and want to keep hidden.
The proverbial gloves are off, learn to fucking deal with public disclosure and assessment of your FRAUD/LIES etc!
February 23, 2017: Well, well! Now we have a job opening for an Admin Attorney. So lets see...we have Andrew Hall who just moved up from Legal Case Manager recently to work with Pomgrancz, when Matt Fox went to the General Counsel's Office. Jessica Diss has been around for quite a while and Dan Haggarity has been in his position since about February or March of last year. So only time will tell who is the rat deserting the sinking ship. February 22, 2017: PUKE had their agenda meeting today. Now NORMALLY our favorite bloviating Joey would be touting something he or PUKE did, or making comments related to a post on this site. Decided to hold off uploading, to see if he could find something to ramble on about. Lo and behold, today he had NOTHING to say. During public comment, he couldn't CONTAIN his laughter when his bullshit was called out regarding open and transparent being ANTONYMS vs the REAL definitions. At one point we got to hear him, inform us of a VERY relevant fact, that he can 'sing' in his mind, songs from ads and also children's cereal commercials. Thankfully when Ann asked him to sing, he deflected from the query. So since Antonymic Joey had to tell the Assembly Committee on Energy on Monday, about his interest/fascination with railroads/trains, one could only wonder, was one of his songs related to Good n Plenty candy? You know...choo choo Charlie. On Monday, when Barbie and AnnMarie were 'explaining' to the Budget Committee, about how DIFFICULT it was to find a railway safety inspector, both NEGLECTED this FACT: "Another inspector was previously a Grounds Equipment Operator II for the state, which demonstrates that someone with mechanical skills can be trained to competently perform the job, if necessary." Now, our HIGHLY QUALIFIED/PROFICIENT Barbie, who is ALSO the Head of HR @ PUKE, you would EXPECT, knows ABOUT RECRUITING! I mean after all, on her resume, she cites: "...my CREATIVE EXPERTISE in Human Relations...", along with being the 'Director of Human Resources for a JEWELRY CHAIN! WOW! So given these STELLAR qualifications, one would SUSPECT, for such a SPECIALIZED position, Barbie would post to sites, that would attract qualified potential applicants. But NOOOOO! As USUAL, the PUBLIC has to do her fucking job! Comments made today at this meeting, shows AGAIN, she is out of her league in this position: "We have the same lack of initiative and creative problem solving with the public handwringing about finding a new railroad safety inspector. The claim was made that recruiting efforts “have been expanded,” however, the RailServe.com web site, a repository for over 2,500 railroad jobs around the country, shows no PUCN job posting even though this is a free service. Similarly, was there ever any outreach to the American Association of Railroads? How about the search firm of Edna Rice (www.ednarice.com), focused exclusively on railroad positions? How about RailTemps (www.rrtemps.com) for a temp-to-permanent candidate and the Railway Educational Bureau (wwwrailwayeducationalbureau.com)? " When Antonymic Joey addressed a non-human sitting at the dais...the canine would have 'spoken', but considering his comments/bark would be literally releasing shit...regarding PUKE, so, his comments can be found on various grassy areas LOL Since we have to wait for Antonymic Joey to get off his ass and respond to the Petition for Reconsideration, his party affiliation is with the GOP...thus we found his new 'logo', as to how he 'addresses' things...aka 'in the public interest'!!
February 21, 2017: After many phone calls with Garrett, this last one, where he kept asking ‘why do I keep speaking with you, what am I getting out of it’? I decided to tell him via email, that there was no need for any further conversations between the two of us. EVEN AFTER giving him what he WANTED, he kept the email exchange going, here it is in its entirety! During the call he INFORMED me that the FOIA requests would not be provided within the 5 day prescribed time frame, AS HIS OFFICE/PEOPLE ARE OVERWORKED & DON’T HAVE TIME! That turned out to be ANOTHER PIECE OF BULLSHIT! February 20, 2017: PUKE’s budget was being reviewed by the legislature. Barbie did not disappoint, she proved that she is not ready for prime time and LIED, while trying to do damage control. What a fucking joke she is! She BETTER watch what she says…video recordation has a tendency to expose things… Then later on, our favorite prevaricator appeared at an energy meeting, spewing forth and extolling how wonderful he and PUKE are! That so called ‘Altar Boy’ grin is not fooling anyone. Taking CREDIT for having the video feed…HA! That was BEFORE YOUR TIME and there is a RECORD OF IT! Both the funds and initial purchase…BEFORE YOU came on board…STOP LYING! You have an unhealthy need to be the initiator of everything, look how wonderful I am, look what I am doing…aren’t I wonderful?!?!? Keep it up, you are probably one pat away from a rotator cuff surgical appointment!! Why not have one of your engineers design this for you?
February 12-15, 2017: PUKE’s ever so IMPOTENT (not important) employees, go to YET ANOTHER conference on our dime. This time it’s to DC. Must be nice, putting your worthless asses on vacays under the guise of ‘education and interacting’ with other PUCK people! Even out of town, my 'fans' couldn't RESIST logging on to this site, to see what is going on!
So, were they trying to 'sneak' a peak? Was this 'data usage' part of the room or are the ratepayers paying for their addiction to this site? Inquiring minds want to know. February 10, 2017: Jessie Diss provides this response regarding FOIA: “Please be advised that the Commission does not have records responsive to your request. Please know that Nevada’s public records laws do not require the Commission to create materials to facilitate your inspection of records. As a result, the Commission may not be able to provide you responsive information as the Commission does not maintain visitor sign-in sheets as you have specified.” You just have to LOVE it, when Jessie writes- if you have any questions, to contact her, then when you do, she doesn't respond! Especially when you nail her with the TRUTH! Problem is, Jessie Baby better read her Admin Manual specifically: “Policy 1.3 “Office Visitors. POLICY: Office Visitors PURPOSE: To clarify the appropriate procedures for office visitors. PROCEDURE: The Commission regularly has visitors in the building. All visitors…are required to check-in and check out with reception and issued a visitor badge. This includes employee family members, delivery and repair personnel and individuals that are here for scheduled and non-scheduled meetings with Commission employees. Reception Procedures: 2. If the visitor is here for any other reason, the following steps are to be followed: a) The visitor is asked to complete the sign-in sheet. b) The Commission employee checking in the visitor reviews the sign-in sheet to ensure the information provided is complete and legible. c) The visitor is provided with a Visitor Badge and asked to wear the badge during the visit and to return to reception to check-out and return the badge prior to leaving the building.” So Jessie- what’s your legal abadaba to that???????? Come on…waiting to read your bullshit response! So is it our infamous bullshit artist Chair Reynolds who touts ‘open and transparent’ or Barbie trying to hide what is really going on behind closed doors? February 9, 2017: A FOIA request was done for: Copies of all visitor sign in sheets for both Carson and Vegas offices, for the time period of December 1, 2016 to February 7, 2017. With NO REDACTIONS! As Papa Joe claimed he met with people over the LED’s, so it follows suit that there is a record of who comes into their offices.February 8, 2017: Is Papa Joe out of his mother-fucking mind? Did he just wake up one morning and decide what can I pull out of my ass, to cost ratepayers more money? I KNOW! I’ll make them fucking pay for LED light bulbs!
This piece of shit program was previously killed and now this…out of Joe’s ass, comes this proposed investigation that can best be compared to Lazarus of Bethany. With Joe trying to emulate Bioquark’s Ira Pastor regarding their ReAnima Project. Today it was on the docket, who would have expected that the greenies would be calling in their mouthpieces: SWEEP and NRDF to plea their case. One woman admitted she WORKED and she had FOUR kids and this program…ok, FUCKING SUBSIDY, would benefit her, she could have more money for her kids! She was a shill…needs to work on acting skills, too obvious!
That got me riled up, then another one used the ‘buzz phrase’, this SUBSIDY, err program, would be ‘economically beneficial’.
Oh yeah, those pennies are going to be such a fucking boon to the economy. What the FUCK! Poor people who can barely afford to pay their power bills, now, are supposed to shell out money for people like her to buy bulbs that cost almost FIVE TIMES what a incandescent one costs, so she can have extra money? Oh, PUH-LEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZ The shit is getting out of hand at PUKE.
Just where in fucking hell do these people and fucking PUKE think the money comes from for these programs? Do these idiots who want the fucking savings, REALIZE that they are going to be fucking paying for them???????????? Are they stupid enough to think that NVE is going to shell out money for this? HA! What, they think that the government is going to pay for them? Where the fuck do you think the government gets the money from…YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!
If SWEEP is so concerned about this program, let them PAY FOR it! Sure when it come to putting their money where their mouths are…they back off. All talk with nothing to bring forth to alleviate the burden upon the masses! Then we had RUBBERSTAMP REYNOLDS grace us with his ENDORSEMENT of this SUBSIDY! We had to ENDURE his ranting of how he wants this and wants to revive the program, thus having this investigatory docket. Joey was called out that he was acting like an attorney, he picks his ‘topic’ and will find any and everything to support it. Again, piss poor acting on his part. Even Stevie Wonder could have seen that Joey has already made up his mind on this issue.
Reynolds was called out on SUPPOSEDLY being a republican, who are supposed to REDUCE taxes, apparently, he never got that message. Is he is republican? One has to wonder, as he is nothing short of a “D” claiming to be an “R”!! Just like his HANDLER aka Rino Goobernor Sandoval! Rubberstamp Reynolds invited everyone to participate in the investigatory docket, as he WANTED TO HEAR THEIR OPINIONS!!!!!! Oh, yeah…CLASSIC DELPHI Technique move!