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PUC Watch Dogs


PUCN WATCHDOGS is an UPDATED VERSION of PUC WATCHDOGS, an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and other PUC employees. The public has a right to see and know about who is making determinations that have a direct impact upon them.

Do NOT Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium with WatchDogs!

The First Amendment will be utilized, enacted and upheld! Opinions are just that opinions!

Humor is ALWAYS required when dealing with those who are under the misguided impression that they are "Above" everyone else.

If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office, you work for US. WE are YOUR employer, do your job or we will take you to task.

We have RIGHTS and will NOT have them SUBVERTED by any stretch of the imagination.

Established in 2017.

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 Updated: June 16, 2017

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January 31, 2017: I have CONSISTENTLY claimed that PUKE is trying to go STEALTH, as opposed to the lying ramblings of Papa Joe’s claims of ‘A NEW NV of OPEN & TRANSPARENT”.

I really think Barbie should go to the Board of Examiners and request funding for an INTERPRETER! Her people say one thing, when you do what they say, they STILL IGNORE it when enacted. Make up our minds!

Yesterday, Trish Osbourne sends an email that filing a Request to be a Commenter is no longer necessary, referencing their webpage under participate: To participate in the contested case as a commenter, the person must file written comments prior to the scheduled proceeding on the contested case and identify the person as a commenter. Comments must adhere to the requirements for submitting a pleading. If the person files such written comments prior to the proceeding, the Commission will place the commenter on the docket-specific service list maintained by the Commission, and the commenter will receive notifications of Commission-issued notices and orders thereafter. To which I responded, as USUAL no response, when you point out their ambiguity or unclear protocol requirements!

Ok, not a problem.

Let me digress a little bit, at last week’s agenda meeting, it was made public that Barbie’s budget submission feigned 100% compliance with Docket Notifications being done within their 10 day period. So one of the ’10 day compliance’ dockets, opened on January 3rd, 17-01011, is STILL not noticed: Jan 24th, Jan 30th, Jan 31st, Feb 4th.

So in order to FOLLOW the recommendations of PUKE’S ASSISTANT COMMISSION SECRETARY, FIVE comments were submitted with notices of receipt:1, 1A, 2, 2A, 3, 3A, 4, 4A, 5, 5A.  They are NOT posted on the docket as received comments.

Even their daily filings of Jan 30th and Jan 31st, do not reflect these filings-SO MUCH FOR OPEN & TRANSPARENT- Right Papa Joe?

Obviously their RULES are situational and who is filing comments.

Since there was no email today from PUKE, they do in fact have the comments that they REFUSE to post.


Such as 16-01013, Docket opened on January 11, 2016, NOTICED April 4, 2016. YET, they ACCEPTED requests to be commenters on January 12, 2016, even their DAILY REPORT shows these requests!

January 30, 2017:  What’s INTERESTING as of January 25th, at 12:12pm, their calendar had nothing scheduled for February 2nd, lo and behold, NOW we have a SPECIAL AGENDA scheduled.

What bullshit is Papa going to whine about now, that COULDN’T wait for the next scheduled agenda meeting? Is he going to talk about the upcoming session and that they are going to NON-LOBBY, but to EDUCATE on certain bills? He could have done that today. Haven’t heard of anyone leaving that would require an open call for candidates, as the current 2 open positions don’t require Commission approval. Guess we will have to wait to see their agenda meeting notice.

January 29, 2017: The Petition for Reconsideration filed by NVE is going to show just what these Commissioners are made of. Are they going to address it like they should or be like scared kids afraid to tackle a highly questionable filing, that might piss off their mentor aka BriBri, because it has to do with renewables/net metering, by NOT RESPONDING within the PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD? Only time will tell. Staff submitted theirs and its obvious that they are NOT taking a hard core recommendation: ”As such, the Petition fails to meet the standard established by NAC 703.801 and should be either simply denied by the Commission, or granted to allow clarification.”  

January 25, 2017: Oy fucking vey ish meir!

Before I go forward, I have to address a rumor, that every time I think about it, I burst into hysterical laughter…don’t take a drink…ready? People are saying that Papa Joe wants to be a JUDGE!  LOL The odds of that happening, with the ire and anger he is generating with the residents, is about as viable as me being the spokesperson for smart meters! I’ll volunteer for his opponents campaign if this turns out to be true!

Ok, now…

Thank God for video and audio records. Guess who shows up at the LV Office, none other but Barbie and Papa Joe! Umm, so out of the 2 commissioners up in Cartoon City, only one flies down with Barbie. Did they fly out early or did they book an overnight stay? Gotta love how FRUGAL people are when its THEIR money! More about that later.

While setting up my camera, Barbie came up and introduced herself to me. I said, I know who you are Barbie. No way, was I not going to refer to her as I have done so in the past. I thought it was nice of her to introduce herself. As I had planned to go up to her after the video camera was set up, she just happened to beat me to the punch. I asked, so why are you down here? Seems according to her, she comes down here to meet people. What no drinks and appies?

At times like the following, PUKE REALLY needs to get a popcorn machine, as its like watching a real life slap stick comedy.

So we have the usual first set of public comments. Since Barbie was sitting off to my side, I noticed that she was taking notes while I spoke, I can only SPECULATE it had to do with the assertions that her budget [starts on page 1088] used figures that I had examples of, that proved that her statement of 100%, was not in fact true.  [FAST FORWARD TO THURSDAY, THE 26TH, WHEN THE SO CALLED 10 DAY NOTICE WAS PREPARED…HOW TO GET THINGS DONE WITH PUKE? COMMENT ON IT IN A PUBLIC FORUM OR ON A WEBSITE, THEN IT GETS THEIR ASSES IN GEAR. GUESS THEY ARE CONCERNED THAT THE POWERS THAT BE MIGHT BE MONITORING THIS SITE OR MEETINGS, AND PUKE WANTS TO COVER THEIR ASSES. IF YOU ARE GOING TO COVER YOUR ASSES, DO WHAT YOU ARE CLAIMING YOU DID IN YOUR FILING!!!!]

Then we had our usual STATE OF PUKE diatribe by Papa Joe, trying to convince the public how it is highly integrated with ‘Economic Development’ and PUKE! Oh, YEAH! They will give tax breaks to the big guys to come here aka Economic Development, especially those who want to use solar, then we won’t have it subsidized by the utility customers aka same bullshit we heard about Net Metering and solar.

Then Barbie did her THIRD appearance as the ED, including her performance at the Legislature. I am surprised that Papa didn’t keel over and pay homage to ALL the work she did on preparing the Biennial Report. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY she prepared this report on solar or this one on UEPA. I UNDERSTAND complementing a person, but after every time someone does something that is in their job description, it becomes meaningless.

Then Steven Hill, BriBri’s shill for Economic Development rambled on, yawn yawn, same bullshit rhetoric about Bri Bri…I fully expect one day to walk in and see that they are now serving Communion in BriBri honor ‘major eye roll’!

After the meeting, when Papa Joe and Annie were approached...remember they ARE PUBLIC FIGURES, to ask why Papa was here, when we have video conferencing, Papa said he used to live here! OH!? So you used OUR dime to come down here for a visit? No response, but a chuckle by Papa. Then Annie chimed in he was here for business. Gee, nothing was on the calendar regarding a docket, was he here to chit chat with Annie? Ummmmmmmmmm, if you were to discuss anything, wouldn’t that be an OPEN MEETING VIOLATION, as you had a quorum???

With all this ass-kissing and brown-nosing going on towards our Republican Governor, err, ACTING Republican Governor, the state insurance plan should include discounted rates for total knee and hip replacements! BriBri is NOT a deity and this ongoing honoring him under the phrase of ‘NEW NV’, is getting OUT OF CONTROL...whatever happened to separation of church and state? This newly formed Church of Sandoval, by those, who apparently have pledged allegiance to, for giving them ‘high state positions, is being called into question!

Lets just see come 2018, when we vote for a NEW GOVERNOR! Will these Commissioners STILL have their positions under the NEWLY ELECTED GOVERNOR LAXALT? We shall see!

January 11, 2017: OK! What a comedy of errors at the utility agenda meeting today.

OH! Did you know that you are PAYING for PUKE employees to ACQUIRE Bonus Miles, which they THINK they can use for their personal use-aka vacation travel? YEP! It is TRUE! Even when CONFRONTED with State Administrative Manual Travel guidelines! Barbie was observed to SMIRK when this was presented today. She BETTER read the changes from DECEMBER 2016! So much for the cost-cutting measures she is suppose to enact!

After the first set of comments, we had the agitated statements of Chairman Papa Joe regarding opinions on his ED aka Barbie.

At least he acknowledged that people had FIRST AMENDMENT rights. He needs to remember that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. If not, you are full of shit.

The real world is not the warm, fuzzy, everyone-gets-a-trophy-for-participating, environment that runs rampant now. Some people will like you, others won’t. So learn to deal with the cold, cruel world.

You want people to refrain from expressing opinions about your work performance, Barbie? You REALLY NEED to show you are UPPER MANAGEMENT MATERIAL! Aside from the fact, no matter WHAT Papa says, there is NO WRITTEN OPINION that you are qualified.

You ARE a PUBLIC figure-employee opinions COME with that status.

When you appeared before the QUASI-JUDICIAL Commission today, you looked like any person from the street. YET, during the times you have POPPED in to observe a meeting, you were professional looking. A jacket is what a REAL professional would wear. Ann always is professionally dressed. The same goes for fellow workers when addressing the Commission. NOT being nitpicky, just HIGHLY observant--it’s a Nu Yawk thing!  (TYPED IT WITH A NY ACCENT)

Running to Papa Joe for protection is most likely a joke and demonstrates cowardice. REAL EXECUTIVES have cojones and deal with resolving issues themselves. Did someone miss their class on conflict resolution during their meteoric rise, to the Peter Principle status??? Here’s my $0.02 recommendation since you have ISSUES with OPINIONS:



Papa Joe’s utilization of the term ‘bully’ is a joke. But later on, he did his own little bully  ‘performance’. It seems there were THREE people who spoke on a certain docket, two were/are involved with a solar company. So Papa Joe went OUT of his way to EXCLUDE one of his ‘non-ass kissing’ ratepayers, when he thanked these two people, for their comments on the docket. Just have to LAUGH, people think their actions go unnoticed…HA!!


During a telephone conversation with a well-placed source at PUKE, it appears that they dismiss those who express opinions that are not ‘warm and fuzzy’ in nature, as ‘white noise’ generators. Strange that they have a white noise attitude in person, but these same people spend work time on websites that reiterate what they feign dislike of…oy fucking vey!

We have a PUKE employee from the SAME COMPUTER, NINE FUCKING TIMES, on a newly-created website. The only page visited was about Barbie, not checking on the other employee links (commissioners). Since this access was Cartoon City-based, and only ‘concerned’ with Barbie, one can drawn a strong inference that this was Barbie looking herself up. INTERESTINGLY enough, about 10:50 or so, the announcement of the website was made. Then at 10:56 someone logged on to the website. SOOOOOOOOOOO, was someone listening via the live link? Was someone at the meeting texting about the site? This access was a mobile phone from LODI, CA. Let’s see, we have two employees known to have close ties to CA: Barbie and Dan Haggarity.

The probable deduction is that Barbie used her WORK TIME to contact people in these CA cities. Government computer, internet or phone paid for from our Mill Tax.

Ah, yes, saving ratepayer’s money.

January 9, 2017: When I read this: "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein, I immediately think of Summer Camp Barbie. As her ‘competency’ as the ED surely is FINITE!

On January 6th, PUKE sent out their notification of a Utility Agenda Meeting on Jan. 11th. One of the items, after the newly instituted State of the PUKE diatribe, is Barbie ‘reinventing’ PUKE’s Mission Statement.

 “For discussion only: Presentation of the New PUCN Mission Statement by ED ‘Barbie’’.

Currently the Mission Statement states  ‘Supervise and regulate the operation and maintenance of utility services in Nevada.’

"Reasonable minds can infer from the lack of backup that there will be many flowery statements but nothing substantive in Barbie's 'presentation' of the Mission Statement. Are we now going to be treated to a second sentence beyond the bland, existing first sentence? If the Mission Statement is now to be two sentences, what meaningful commentary can Barbie add? But she may be able to talk for more than the 27 seconds of 'introduction' she made to the Legislature's Sunset Subcommittee in February 2016, which would be a personal record."

I believe this is the SECOND time since August of 2015, we are being graced by the ‘woman behind the screen’. Is Barbie Nevada's answer to Punxsutawney Phil- showing her face once a year? Late spring of 2016, now January 11, 2017. Lets all put on our black blazers and celebrate her 'coming out' of hiding.

Since there has been no supporting material regarding this agenda item, an email exchange was done with Garrett, the new GC.

Q: When will Barbie's new and improved mission statement that is on Wednesday's agenda, be available for public viewing.

Or is she just going to wing it and not have anything provided as a docket back up.
Can we expect this like the last time I asked, and Joey produced it at 5:00 pm, the day prior to the meeting.

A: As for Item 2B, I don't believe that there will be any supporting materials.

Q: Oh, so now Barbie isn't providing written documentation to the changes she wants to make?
So the public isn't being given advance notice to make comments on an item, that our input is allowed to be considered. And you wonder why we go after her?

Also, if this is required to be voted on by the commission, what they are suppose to 'vote' on, since nothing is grounded in writing?
Not a valid way to approach it.

A:  No need to worry about being deprived of an opportunity to comment on a new mission statement.  Though the agenda notice suggests that new language will be presented, Chairman Reynolds and Ms. Mullen merely intend to initiate the process of adopting new language.

Q: You can't comment after the fact. As it is scheduled after the first period for public comment.
Remember anything brought to the commission has to be presented to the public also.
I see a new posting tonight on watchdogs about Barbie!

No further response on this.

 “A popular government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce, or a tragedy, or perhaps, both.James Madison

One has to wonder, if Barbie is going to just exhale C02 regarding this, just HOW are the Commissioners suppose to have a discussion without something in writing? As it is common practice for ‘adjustments’ to be made to proposals, draft orders etc. What are they going to do, have Barbie permeate the CC room with C02 when adjustments are being proposed? Repeating it every time something is brought up?

So just WHO is going to memorialize this and the changes, as there is NOT a court reporter at agenda meetings? Is someone going to take it down in shorthand? Is someone going to repetitively replay the audio file to write it up?

Is Barbie going to make handwritten changes to her ‘proposal’ and submit them at the next meeting for it to be voted on?  Does she THINK she can SKIRT this getting voted on?

Barbie better extract her head out of her external anal sphincter and see how things are REALLY done; her attempt to bloviate like Joey is not going to fly.


 “A civil servant is sometimes like a broken cannon, it won't work and you can't fire it.” - George Patton

 “You know it don’t take much intelligence to get yourself into a nailed-up coffin, Laura. But who in hell ever got himself out of one without removing one nail?” —The Glass Menagerie   Time to remove the nail, aka Barbie!

"We cast a shadow on something wherever we stand, and it is no good moving from place to place to save things; because the shadow always follows. Choose a place where you won't do harm - yes, choose a place where you won't do very much harm, and stand in it for all you are worth, facing the sunshine." - E.M. Forster- A Room With A View