PUCN WATCHDOGS is an UPDATED VERSION of PUC WATCHDOGS, an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and other PUC employees. The public has a right to see and know about who is making determinations that have a direct impact upon them. Do NOT Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium with WatchDogs! The First Amendment will be utilized, enacted and upheld! Opinions are just that opinions!
Humor is ALWAYS required when dealing with those who are under the misguided impression that they are "Above" everyone else. If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office, you work for US. WE are YOUR employer, do your job or we will take you to task.
We have RIGHTS and will NOT have them SUBVERTED by any stretch of the imagination.
Established in 2017.
Site Contents
Updated: June 16, 2017
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MAY 2017 May 31, 2017: Will upload the postings on JUNE 6th! Right AFTER the RADIO SHOW, so that the fucking pieces of shit @ PUKE such as Joey et al, will have to wait...aka Sword of Damocles! So that their antics will be reaching a VERY BROAD segment of RENO & CARTOON CITY...their friends/neighbors? Who knows! THIS IS WHAT THE FUCKING BASTARD JOEY IS TRYING TO DO TO THE RATEPAYERS! HE SHOULD GO GET FUCKED WITH A RED HOT POKER, SINCE HE IS SO INTO FUCKING OVER PEOPLE, TO APPEASE HIS FUCKING IDOL, AKA RINO SANDOVAL! HE WANTS TO ACT LIKE A HITLER WANNABE.. WE CAN ONLY HOPE HE EMULATES HITLER IN HIS LAST DAYS! SB 150 Subsection 6 of Section 10:6. The Commission may approve an energy efficiency plan submitted pursuant to NRS 704.741 that consists of energy efficiency and conservation programs that are not cost effective if the Commission determines that the energy efficiency plan as a whole is cost effective. May 25, 2017: So, we have a MASSIVE agenda scheduled for Wednesday the 31st. So will the Rino Ass…aka Boobinor BriBri appoint another commissioner/acting commissioner to replace Thomsen or let them fend for themselves for this meeting? As the remaining two can hold a meeting, but if there is a split vote, then it will be re-calendared. But knowing the arrogance of ‘Damn the cost and screw the health of the ratepayers’ Joey, he probably thinks Ann will vote with him. As he cancelled the one from last week over Paul’s resignation.May 19, 2017: HOLY SHIT! Joey is being mentioned in the Adam Laxalt issue! Yeah, just proving he is a fucking shill to BriBri! Hmm. And unidentified “independent counsel,” huh? The plot thickens. Then came the bombshell… During the Democrats’ show trial inquisition, Burnett further revealed that the unidentified “independent counsel” was Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval’s general counsel, Joe Reynolds! Hmm. A smoking gun? Indeed, you gotta wonder why Burnett didn’t mention who this previously unidentified “independent counsel” was in his sworn deposition. What a strange – and convenient – omission. “Did you know the governor’s counsel was the one who recommended the tape be turned over to the FBI,” Laxalt was asked at one point during the inquisition. “First I’ve heard of that,” Laxalt responded. Oh? As this sh*t-storm swirled around Carson City over the last several weeks, Sandoval never bothered to tell Laxalt that his own guy knew about the recording from the get-go and was the one who recommended Burnett send it to the feds? Or was it Sandoval himself who ordered the “code red” by Reynolds? THIS IS THE CHARACTER TRAIT THAT WE WANT IN A POTENTIAL FEDERAL JUDGE...AKA WHAT BRIBRI WANTS TO DO WHEN HE FINISHES FUCKING UP NV WITH HIS PIPE DREAMS! JOEY BETTER TAKE A CLUE FROM PAUL AND START LOOKING FOR ANOTHER JOB...AS HIS FUCKING DAYS ARE GOING TO BE NUMBERED WHEN LAXALT BECOME GOVERNOR! SO MUCH FOR OPEN AND TRANSPARENT AND THE NEW NV AS JOEY'S BENEFACTOR KEEPS EXTOLLING. WHY HASN'T KOSTES, PUBLIC INFO OFFICER, ISSUED A PRESS RELEASE ABOUT THE BROUHAHA ABOUT PAUL LEAVING AND NOW THIS INCREASING STENCH ? AGAIN OPEN AND TRANSPARENT, RIGHT JOEY BABY? OR IS THIS AN 'I DON'T GET INVOLVED MANDATE' FROM BRIBRI'S OFFICE, TO LET BRIBRI'S PR PERSON HANDLE THIS SELF-INFLICTED PROBLEM?!?!?!?! May 18, 2017: WOW! There are rumors galore coming out of Cartoon City over this. Majority have to do with the ‘stealth’ initiative to get rid of Paul, since Rino BriBri Sandoval couldn’t remove him for cause. So just make it so he wanted to leave on his own accord. Given the OBVIOUS antics of Shill Reynolds over docket assignments, that seems to lend creditability to that. Egomaniac Reynolds gives himself the higher profile dockets, even though he knows jack shit about them. Another over-paid fucking shill doing on-the-job-training at ratepayers expense! They are trying to keep it quiet…HA! Here’s the resignation letter from Paul. Ann is either going to request not to be re-appointed or BriBri is going to ‘thank’ her and appoint another shill! But she isn’t going to have another term most likely!
May 17, 2017: WELL, WELL! Seems
like Paulie had enough and gave brown-nosing
So what new piece of shit asskisser is RINO BriBri going to appoint to fill this vacancy? Umm, Angie from his energy office, Jason...? Where is the acting commissioner? That hasn’t been filled since the other one resigned over conflict of interest. Even Ray Charles can see that the Commissioners are under the following impression!!!!!
PAULIE IS NOW THE Executive Director, Government and Regulatory Affairs of Ormat Technology, his former employer. May 11, 2017: It seems that the pompous assholes in the General Counsel’s Office want to HIDE what is going on and who is being hired…too bad assholes we KNOW! So apparently, there is a CONFIRMED NEWLY HIRED Admin Attorney named Dallas Harris. If it is the one who we think it is, apparently the PUC is starting to ‘colorize’ their staff…now TWO out of OVER 90! Showtime will be at an agenda meeting… May 9, 2017: To the State of NV employees, who are sitting on their fat asses checking out this site, rather than working...as it PRETTY CERTAIN YOUR JOB DESCRIPTION DOESN'T INCLUDE THIS...you are the reason Nevadan's think STATE EMPLOYEES are a bunch of teat-sucking leeches, who don't do the job they were hired for and expect everyone to support your over-inflated, non-earned salaries! Next up...a public log showing every fucking time you log onto this site and from what computer... May 5, 2017: So today comments were due on the investigatory docket regarding FORCING NV ratepayers to pay for people to SUBSIDIZE people to by light bulbs! NCARE (Nevadans for Clean Affordable Reliable Energy) filed their comments. WHAT A FUCKING RESPONSE! They ONLY contacted ONE of the MAJOR LED manufacturers CREE! So there are MANY unanswered questions regarding this bullshit: 1. HOW MANY OTHER MANUFACTURERS supplied NV? 2. What were their SALES PRIOR to the cutoff date regarding DECREASED SALES? 3. Where is the COMPARE & CONTRAST for other MAJOR companies lost sales? 4. Did their retail stores INCREASE their purchases from any of the other manufacturers? 5. Did the stores find that CREE bulbs were not SELLING as well as the other vendors they bought from? Therefore they DECREASED purchasing from CREE, predicated on this! 6. Did other vendors give a BETTER deal whereby the stores could increase their profits? 7. Where is the PROOF that the ELIMINATION of the SUBSIDY was the DIRECT & PROXIMATE result of their decreased sales? 8. What proof is there that the public is NOT desirous of these bulbs and were PURCHASING incandescent bulbs to be assured they had enough to avoid these LED bulbs? Another piece of propaganda to shove this shit ass program upon the public. WHERE IS THE FUCKING PROOF THAT THE BLUE LIGHT SPECTRUM OF THESE BULBS ARE NOT HARMFUL?????? Here are filed comments that these LED ARE IN FACT HARMFUL! AS USUAL NO-SCIENCE JOE REYNOLDS TRIED TO HIDE/SUPPRESS the TRUTH, to PROMOTE this TOXIC/HARMFUL PROGRAM!! May 2, 2017: So we have Joey who sits on his ass, proclaiming on April 21st, that he was going to issue a procedural order...so here we are almost TWO weeks later and NADA! Email to his boy toy...oops, General Counsel Garret, as usual NO RESPONSE!
So the interested parties who are SUPPOSE to file on May 5th, and there is jack shit on the calendar about it...no time deadline...such attention to detail! Joey Baby must be spending time with Barbie and absorbing her 'attention to detail'...