PUCN WATCHDOGS is an UPDATED VERSION of PUC WATCHDOGS, an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and other PUC employees. The public has a right to see and know about who is making determinations that have a direct impact upon them. Do NOT Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium with WatchDogs! The First Amendment will be utilized, enacted and upheld! Opinions are just that opinions!
Humor is ALWAYS required when dealing with those who are under the misguided impression that they are "Above" everyone else. If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office, you work for US. WE are YOUR employer, do your job or we will take you to task.
We have RIGHTS and will NOT have them SUBVERTED by any stretch of the imagination.
Established in 2017.
Site Contents
Updated: June 16, 2017
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November 3, 2017: In response to a FOIA request, our lil wannabe Alan Dershowitz, now claims ANSWERING questions regarding a request is the same as FUCKING INTERROGS! In most of Danny Baby’s usual bullshit response letters, he states: If you have any questions contact him. So how is ASKING a QUESTION that he OFFERS to you, EQUATE to a fucking interrogatory? Someone better get out their Black’s Law Dictionary… AS USUAL, DUE DILIGENCE is NOT rampant with Danny Boy when he fucks with FOIA requests! The request asked for “outlining what was learned from the seminar, PUKE responded with, doesn’t have any records responsive to request and provided a link to the seminar. Then WHY THE FUCK with PUKE’S OWN TRAVEL documents REQUIRE this? See page 9, Section 5! Requiring a report regarding knowledge received from this activity? Same bullshit he pulled on October 24th, when said for this info regarding Barbie. BETTER DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK DANNY BABY! November 8, 2017: Apparently, the NEW, PROFESSIONAL way to acknowledge your PRESENCE during ‘roll call’, at an agenda meeting, is to WAVE your hand, like you are trying to get the attention of a waiter! What next? Chest bumps when they concur on a docket?
Joey got his ass called out, on HIDING documents that were REQUESTED to be incorporated into a docket! Are these the moves, that Joey plans to use, to dance around the fact, that the documents WERE NEVER date/time stamped!
Along with calling his lying ass out, on his so-called utilization of using the NV Supreme Court’s Rules of Judicial Conduct as ‘guidance’.
Guess he BETTER REVIEW what he promoted versus what they DO! Guess a RAW NERVE was hit when he was chastised about this, as he HAD to address the HARD CORE FACT, to try and cover his ASS! As it was in their formal TRANSCRIPT and he was also on the record, showing he heard it! So he BREAKS his usual stone faced persona/silence…tells STAFF to look into it and see if they were misfiled! HA!
To quote from ‘Porky’s’…”your ass is mine”!! November 15, 2017: Why did PUKE require NVE to file a shitload of tariffs, which incorporated the CURRENT basic service charge, while the GRC Docket is still having hearings? Wouldn’t COMMON SENSE dictate that these be filed AFTER the BSC has been determined? Even though they are associated with AB405? WHAT! Is this an indication that it is going to remain the same? Or that the idiots at PUKE are generating more work for themselves, by having some of the tariffs redone at the close of the GRC?
November 16, 2017: One would think that the bullshit being spewed forth by Danny Boy, would be in concert with Bloviating Joey, right? Apparently, not! When Joey went after Ann on August 16th over behind the scene emails, saying he didn’t see anything wrong with making them public/open, Danny in his response to a FOIA request, one would think, he would have regurgitated the ‘openness’. But no, he goes off on a legal tangent about confidentiality etc. So much for endorsing the Judicial Canons, right, guys? CANON 1 Rule 1.2 Promoting Confidence in the Judiciary- A judge shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the independence, integrity and impartiality of the judiciary and shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety. November 21, 2017: UPDATE: CONFIRMATION: Connie RESIGNS TO GO TO PUKE! YOU ARE READING IT HERE! So just how are the 2 SELF-PROCLAIMED EXPERTS, Joey and Garret, at PUKE, going to handle the newest Ass't GC coming on board on 12/1?! Seems that Connie Westadt (I think that is her name), worked for NVE and has REAL UTILITY KNOWLEDGE! Watch out Joey, you are now being over-shadowed by someone who can EASILY ID your fucking lack of utility regulation! Garret Baby...going to be interesting, hearing about how you are going to oversee, someone who can run circles around you and what she has forgotten you have YET to LEARN...time to get the popcorn out!
November 28, 2017: KUDO'S to NVE for DROPPING the proposed GRC RATE INCREASE! Now, its up to PUKE to enact it! Joey BETTER accept it, or there will be HELL TO PAY! At least the recently filed tariffs don't need to be resubmitted! Unless PUKE goes AGAINST NVE and does a rate hike! What about the proposed changes to the kilowatt hour charges? November 29, 2017: Per kilowatt charges are remaining as is, as per Laura Walsh's latest filing. Will be re-addressed come the 2020 GRC.