PUCN WATCHDOGS is an UPDATED VERSION of PUC WATCHDOGS, an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and other PUC employees. The public has a right to see and know about who is making determinations that have a direct impact upon them. Do NOT Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium with WatchDogs! The First Amendment will be utilized, enacted and upheld! Opinions are just that opinions!
Humor is ALWAYS required when dealing with those who are under the misguided impression that they are "Above" everyone else. If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office, you work for US. WE are YOUR employer, do your job or we will take you to task.
We have RIGHTS and will NOT have them SUBVERTED by any stretch of the imagination.
Established in 2017.
Site Contents
Updated: June 16, 2017
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SEPTEMBER 2018 September 5, 2018: It seems that PUKE'S own 'wanna be' Johnnie Cochran aka Garret Weir is on an EXTENDED leave until October 29th! His temp replacement is Hellie Williamson...oy vey ish meir!
One can only hope that he is having a
September 6, 2018: It was Washoe County's turn for the annual state mandated BITCH SESSION! Our favorite 'cough cough' radio personality now Commish, Bruce Breslow presided over it. A small turn out, but at least ratepayer's concerns were put on the record regarding qualifications/salaries of PUKE personnel. The ONLY thing that he did, that I HAVE to COMMEND him on, was he DID ALLOW people to come and make a second comment! KUDO'S TO YOU BRUCIE! I would SCREEN SHOT this paragraph, as I am NOT KNOWN to compliment PUKE personnel! Or in the ALTERNATIVE...was this a PRE-PLANNED farce, to make PUKE APPEAR to be CONCERNED, since this is transcribed and sent to LCB???? With FOUR MORE consumer sessions coming up this month...I guess we will see which one of the aforementioned scenarios is true! One has to WONDER, now that Shit Head/Non-Transparent Joey is gone, will the ratepayers FINALLY be heard? TIME WILL TELL! September 11, 2018: What a fucking joke tonight’s SW Gas consumer session was! NORMALLY, when EVER a utility is being discussed, when they are introduced they explain about their company. Tonight SWG sent in their ASSISTANT GENERAL COUNSEL, KYLE O. STEPHENS, who obviously came down with self-limiting aphonia, when he ws introduced! After the meeting I was riled up enough to confront him and he got it from all sides! I gave him information from his own company’s filings and he had the fucking nerve to infer I was WRONG! I WARNED him, I do my DUE DILIGENCE and he was tangling with the wrong person! So, you DIDN’T believe me, here are the FILED pleadings with my fucking OPINIONS on such! CAPESE?! He’s their Ass’t GC, so apparently they have set the fucking bar very low! He didn’t know the type of tax returns SWG files, 10K or 990, didn’t know how to find their non-profit EIN number! I was nice enough to even give him the website! Here are your numbers: Corporate EIN 88-0085720, Non-profit EIN 94-2988564! DON’T EVER FUCKING CHALLENGE ME WHEN IT COMES TO DOING MY DUE DILIGENCE! You blood sucking pricks, REFUNDED to your AZ CUSTOMERS 12 FUCKING MILLION and apparently you pricks are INCREASING NV RATES! WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR REFUND HERE IN NV? Did I miss something?!?!?!?!?!?! First, he fucking CHALLENGED me with my info…NOT A GOOD FUCKING IDEA Kyle Baby! He had NO FUCKING idea that SWG has a FOUNDATION! Even though their own fucking website tells you so! He CLAIMED that the $640,000, that they have, ‘cough cough gag gag’ contributed towards ‘community giving, for TWO YEARS, I questioned him about, he SAID its FROM EMPLOYEES! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND, your website states: “Since Fuel For Life’s inception employees have responded enthusiastically and provide direct financial support to non-profit organizations throughout the company’s service territories.” Then you have SWG’s own Debbie Gallo, who on April 24, 2015 at the Assembly Committee on Commerce and Labor STATED: '...line extension polices appropriately require SIGNIFICANT up-front investments from PROSPECTIVE residents, businesses or communities' (last paragraph, page 3)…along with stating… '...it is NOT our intention to expand and have EXISITING customers pay for the expansion. We want each project to REST on its own merits.' (page 5, 2nd paragraph). My fucking, non-changing comments start on page 6-7, 3rd paragraph. Hard to DENY ANYTHING when it is memorialized in the legislative minutes! Now, regarding the SOLAR HOT WATER SCAM! Here is SWG OWN SUBMISSION of their FAILURE to reach their TARGETED GOAL! With the fucking UNMITIGATED GALL to REQUEST MORE MONEY from RATEPAYERS! FROM JANUARY of 2016 TO THE 2018 FILING, THERE WERE 636 INSTALLATIONS…FUCK THIS! Unless SWG is planning on paying for every one of their customers to have their assholes reconfigured so they can shit out dollar bills, like an ATM dispensary…KILL THIS CON JOB! YOU WANTED TO CHALLENGE ME on what I stated! My guesstimates were pretty close to the following: Docket 18-07005 INITIAL FILING, page 5 of 113, Section 3.2, SWG TO INSTALL 2,430 of 3,000 by 2019! REMEMBER I SAID THAT??? Page 6 of 113 Section 3.3 “Participation has been less than the level required to be on track for meeting the target goal…promote public awareness…increased participation…to both customers and contractors, with focused outreach to program-eligible customers and those with relatively higher hot water usage” ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR COLLECTIVE FUCKING MINDS? Now, you want $315,000 for 2019. Page 5, Section 3.3 “TO DATE-630 INSTALLED with ADDITIONAL 6 approved/active pending installations! 636 at various stages of installation/pending, so you have ‘succeeded’ at a rate of 38.20%!!!!!!!!!! WHERE THE FUCK DID YOUR PEOPLE GO TO FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ARITHMETIC? 2,430-636=1,794. According to your own fucking filing, you STARTED this program in JANUARY of 2016, page 12 of 159, Section ll, Schedule of Program Milestones! So you GONIFFS think that in EXACTLY 111 days, you can install/sell/pending 1,794 units, to tie in with your START date? STOP SNIFFING your own product! Yet, you are USING April 30th as the cut off date! SWG filing on July 5, 2017, Docket No. 17-07003, was asking for $315,000 for the program, along with stating: ‘Customer participation from inception thru the reporting period of this Annual Report is 620 installations, CONSIDERABLY less than required to be on track to meet the target goal.’ Page 5 of 159, Section 3.3 These figures clearly demonstrate that this program is a complete failure, the potential to reach their targeted goal of 2,430 installation will never be achieved. STOP THE FUCKING ONGOING RAPING OF THE CUSTOMERS…THAT YOU CLAIM YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT! YOU FUCKING DOUBTED MY FIGURES AS THEY WERE READ TO YOU, DISAGREEING WITH THEM…READ THE FUCKING FILINGS IN THE FUCKING DOCKET! I DON’T PULL INFORMATION OUT OF MY ASS, AS IF THEY ARE FACTS! I DOCUMENT, CAPISE? Docket 17-11008, Testimony of David Chairez page 26/107 ‘We are going to be stuck with most likely a 50 year depreciable life of this gas expansion even if the fantasy SWG economic development of Mesquite doesn’t pan out. Their damn shareholders will be UNJUSTLY enriched with both ROI for return on equity and depreciation expenses upon being placed into service, along with the 2 year construction period they will get a MONTHLY return on construction costs!’ Page 27 of 107, 29 A: “All the risks of failure to develop enough volumetric sales will fall upon us here in Vegas.” September 16, 2018: Well, as usual...the QUALIFIED, ATTENTION TO DETAIL, OVER PAID staff at PUKE shows their 1/2 ass job performance. So Joey Baby LEFT August 27th, yet, STILL today his mug is showing up as CHAIR on their website! BUTTTTTTTTT, they are listing Wilkenson as CHAIR on their directory listing and the LETTERHEAD for their PR dated September 12th!! September 19, 2018: Today was the annual consumer session, aka consumer bitch session, for Clark County. They had 2 sessions one at 1pm and at 6 pm, with their cursory THREE MINUTE time limit…keep in mind, these sessions are for us to address our concerns that they WANT TO HEAR! WOW! THREE MINUTES…how FUCKING GENEROUS! At the 1pn session, I asked AnnO's (Original) admin attorney, Dallas about the LED docket. Seems that now AnnO is overseeing it. Was told that she is reviewing it and will present her decision soon. Asked is she going to present it at the next agenda meeting (9/26) and was told no. Given the fact that Joey the NON-SCIENCE guy was kissing Howard Geller's ass over it...no one who UNDERSTANDS PHOTOBIOLOGY would support this! Normally at con sessions if 2-3 people show up it’s a lot! I always record these, as there is no FUCKING WAY, I am going to fucking pay $2.00/page to acquire a copy of the transcript! Mind you, we have PAID for the court reporter as part of the HIDDEN MILL ASSESSMENT we are charged, for PUKE’S financial viability! So, I get there early to set up the video camera…hard to REFUTE a recording. Today I get off the elevator and there was a fucking line out their door! Rather than just thinking it, I spewed out ‘oh, fuck, the whackos are here’! The room was close to capacity, which was even worse. I filled out the card and figured, oh shit…its going to be another all fucking day whine session. Apparently, the majority of those in attendance were there for ‘support’. Lucked out, 9th out of 12 speakers...fuck yea! My PIC in PUKE oversight happened to be on the phone during the entire session…aren’t Blue Tooths WONDERFUL LOL I was fully prepared for an aggressive attack upon PUKE for their discrimination against the Jewish population. I think God was endorsing my soon to be relayed comments, as the speaker right before me started off mentioning his Jewish friends, which was very strange, as he referenced Rosh Hashanah. I blurted out, its Yom Kipper, the representative from Century Link also said its Yom Kippur! Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! So, I get my ‘3 minute bite of the proverbial ‘apple’’. I prefaced it with; ‘I look forward to this day, so I get to let loose’, I’m sure the PUKE’S employees were cringing to themselves lol The NEW Chair APPEARED via a telephone appearance. NOWWWWWWWWWWW, at 1pm on a WORKDAY, why was she NOT up in the conference room in Cartoon City? Debbie the stenographer was there, why couldn’t Ann-2 pop into the room? Same thing at 6pm. Already 3rd day on the job and can’t appear for this? OKAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! THEN…then all hell broke out: Holding up a calendar, reading from prepared notes I said ‘First of all, this is called a calendar, it’s a grid that people notate items that they have to do or dates that they need to remember. They come pre-printed with dates known as HOLIDAYS! Both religious (Christian, Jewish, etc) and dates people have a day off from work. SO, what does the PUC have against the Jewish population? This is the SECOND time that you have scheduled events on Jewish Holidays! I chastised you last year over the Elko one on Rosh Hashanah and now today! Yom Kippur is the holiest of their holidays and going to events like this aren’t part of their religious traditions. What, your calendars aren’t secular and said holidays aren’t noted on them?’ After that, I went off ‘script’ and I was on a roll and can’t remember what exactly I said, but, I kept harping on this unacceptable action on their part! I also went after SW Goniff (thief) over their shit ass expansion docket and PUKE over their recent ruling: Bruce’s own staff apprised and notified him about what SWG told the legislature and its complete opposite in their expansion filing. Then the commission APPROVED the expansion predicated on a lie! Then we have SW Goniff’s own poster child for common core math, Kyle Mr. Just one more question Stephens, who during a recent SW Goniff’s hearing, was told by Bruce…that’s part SIX of the last question! I guess he must have taken one too many hits to his head during this football days over in Utah. Never one to MISS another opportunity to vent my spleen, I showed up at 6. Fortunately, there was only 1 other speaker. This time I went after SW Goniff AGAIN! This time over the failure of them to file a docket to REFUND to the ratepayers their tax savings. Why hasn't the fucking staff at the PUC brought this up in a docket? More ass-kissing to SW Goniff?