PUCN WATCHDOGS is an UPDATED VERSION of PUC WATCHDOGS, an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and other PUC employees. The public has a right to see and know about who is making determinations that have a direct impact upon them. Do NOT Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium with WatchDogs! The First Amendment will be utilized, enacted and upheld! Opinions are just that opinions!
Humor is ALWAYS required when dealing with those who are under the misguided impression that they are "Above" everyone else. If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office, you work for US. WE are YOUR employer, do your job or we will take you to task.
We have RIGHTS and will NOT have them SUBVERTED by any stretch of the imagination.
Established in 2017.
Site Contents
Updated: June 16, 2017
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MARCH 2018 March 7, 2018: There was a full Goobernor's Energy Committee Meeting. One of the topics was SUPPOSE to be an UPDATE on Joey Baby's workshop. Now, Egomaniacal Joey ALWAYS loves to be in the 'spotlight'. At prior committee meetings he just HAD to sit where he would get a lot of 'exposure' oy vey ish meir! This day he was no where to be found! It appears that WHEN he is EXPECTED to provide UPDATES on JUST WHAT he has accomplished, he is conspicuously absent! There were no conflicting hearings or activities at PUKE. The update was done by one of the Goobernor's staff on the committee. SO WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR REASON FOR NOT SHOWING UP? What your lil entourage couldn't come and you wouldn't have anyone to sit in the audience and give you 'moral support'? The workshops ENDED on January 30th, you have the transcripts, you have your little AA, so why after over a month, were the members of the committee told that you will have the report in APRIL! Your schedule was NOT docket heavy in February, the 14th a pre-conference hearing, 26 & 27th hearings. So you had enough time, what’s your excuse? It apparent to people who follow the Governors Committee, that you intentionally backed out of appearing to avoid having to answer questions about the workshop. So much for all of your rantings of open and transparency!March 22, 2018: Joey calls for a 'special agenda' to address the TAX CREDITS issued by our PRESIDENT to corporations that NVE on their OWN accord, requested that it be passed on to their customers, and IF this docket SHOULD be approved! All of a SUDDEN, the RATEPAYERS it APPEARS became a 'PROJECT' of the Nevada Gaming Group, and they are SOOOOO concerned for us! The hotels BITCHED about the exit fees associated with their 704B exiting of NVE, which said fees were to protect the ratepayers.
Don't want to pay the exit
fees This ongoing ad nauseum interference, oops, I mean intervention from the Nevada Gaming Group is getting out of hand. They don’t give a damn about the residential and small commercial accounts, they now want to give the appearance of concern. When in fact, one of their members, the Sands is no longer being served by NVE, via their 704B exit docket. Along with being one of the promoters of the Energy Choice Ballot Question. We are proficiently/expertly represented by the BCP and the ratepayers trust them to protect their interests, we don’t need the gaming properties to now be ratepayer advocates, when it suits their personal agenda. Thanks, but STOP acting in our behalf, we didn’t ask and don’t want your help! If I insulted or ticked you off, get inline; there are numerous others ahead of you. The only ones who are benefiting financially from all these intervention filings are the attorneys, reaping billable hours for their law offices. The courts have no tolerance for frivolous litigation, maybe there should be a NAC or NRS for frivolous filings or intervention requests here?March 23, 2018: There was another Goobernor's Consumer Protection Meeting. It appears that Shitoval's batboy presented a PROPOSED presentation for 'consumer protections'. Thankfully Barry Gold of AARP was doing what he does best and MADE SURE that consumers were protected! It was announced that Joey Baby is SUPPOSED to HAVE the findings of PUKE'S workshop available for the April 20th meeting. Go to Costco get enough popcorn for this bullshit report! With all the ad nauseum ass-kissing he did towards CASIO/Wellinghof, it is going to be one of his better REPORTS OF FICTION! March 29, 2018: JOEY, YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR AND MAKE SURE THAT YOUR PROBABLE SKEWED FINDINGS, DON'T RESULT IN WHAT THE MA ATTORNEY GENERAL IS SUING OVER! YOUR ONGOING ASS-KISSING OF WELLINGHOFF AND CAIOS AT YOUR WORKSHOPS...WITH ALL THEIR RANTINGS OF HOW PERFECT/EXPERTS THEY ARE, TO PROMOTE ENERGY CHOICE.