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PUC Watch Dogs


PUCN WATCHDOGS is an UPDATED VERSION of PUC WATCHDOGS, an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and other PUC employees. The public has a right to see and know about who is making determinations that have a direct impact upon them.

Do NOT Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium with WatchDogs!

The First Amendment will be utilized, enacted and upheld! Opinions are just that opinions!

Humor is ALWAYS required when dealing with those who are under the misguided impression that they are "Above" everyone else.

If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office, you work for US. WE are YOUR employer, do your job or we will take you to task.

We have RIGHTS and will NOT have them SUBVERTED by any stretch of the imagination.

Established in 2017.

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 Updated: June 16, 2017

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August 10, 2018: Dragged my ass out of bed, thinking there was a PUKE docket, only to find out I put down the wrong day! Guess PUKE finally got something on me LOL

August 13, 2018: Well Shitoval has appointed Ann Wilkinson as Know-nothing Joey's appointment replacement. She WAS a former Ass't General Counsel for PUKE. She comes on board on September 17th, so, if PUKE keeps its current agenda meeting schedule, there will be TWO meetings with just Ann and Howie Baby, August 29th and September 12th.

Since there is the Clark County Annual Bitch Session on September 19th, guess she will preside over it?

So Shitoval appoints ANOTHER 'pet' from his 'team', Joey Baby was former General Counsel, now Ann former Deputy Chief of Staff.

Oh, its going to be INTERESTING...especially since Shitoval is PRO Q3 and ADDICTED to anything with solar/renewables.

Get out the popcorn the non-solar/renewable ratepayers keep getting shafted by more puppets of Shitoval!

Now, REMEMBER when Know-Nothing Reynolds came on board, he shifted dockets and gave Paul Thomson the SHITTY ones, to give himself the BIGGER/high profile ones...even though he was STILL TRYING to SPELL ENERGY!

Which was a FAR FROM a COVERT attempt to remove Thomson, since Shitoval had no grounds to terminate him.

So lets see, if she does any 'musical' dockets...who has the Sword of Damocles over their throats????

August 15, 2018: Posted this is the LAST TIME that JOEY can fuck over the ratepayers! Its his FINAL agenda meeting! Can you tell the ratepayers are happy?



Had EVERY intention to show up today and give my usual warm and fuzzy comments regarding Know-nothing Joey's departure. Given his propensity for babbling on and thanking people for DOING their jobs, I figured he would be good for a solid 5 minutes or more, so left a little later than usual. Got there around 10:20 and it was over! OUCH my aching, instead of having to tone my comments down and be limited to five minutes, I get the last 'word' so to here we go!

I wish I can say I’ll miss you, but, I don’t lie. So thank God you are finally fucking leaving and won’t be presiding over 17-02011. So since you know science, I leave you with this:

I am on the record about the relationship between Blue Light and macular degeneration along with filed comments on this from Harvard Medical School. But your fucking myopic vision seems to think that ocular harm is ok and you shouldn’t consider it as a factor in this docket, right, Mr. I Know Science?!

Since you are a ‘science’ person, cough cough gag gag, I am SURE that you are FULLY informed with the RESEARCH that came out on this, on July 8th, in Scientific Reports a peer-reviewed journal, RIGHT?!  As I know you are up to date with science, right? Or do you only follow train updates?

 ‘PIP2 distortion and substantial morphological changes, including extensive bleb formation, were observed only in blue light exposed cells.’ You of course, know what blebs are, since you KNOW SCIENCE…RIGHT?

FYI, the PIP2 has nothing to do with Gladys Knight and her 3 Pips! 

 ‘Although the cornea and the lens of the eye are transparent to the blue light region where retinal can absorb and undergo excitation, the reported phototoxicity in the eye has been assigned to lipophilic non-degradable materials known as lipofuscins, which also includes retinal condensation products.” You understood that right? At least lipophilic???

As an ‘English’ teacher you know that if you DON’T know what a word means try to identify it by the prefixes and suffixes…right? Don’t they do that also in the legal field?

 ‘ATR mediated cytotoxicity and associated pathological conditions have been reported.  Studies in mice have demonstrated that, ATR accumulation and photodegradation leads to diseases such as age related macular degeneration (AMD), Stargardt disease, acute light-induced retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa and night blindness.’

 ‘Upon blue light exposure, accumulated lipophilic non-degradable lipofuscins have been shown to induce cytotoxicity in the retina.’ 

So while you think Geller is the consummate expert, he admitted to me he has NO KNOWLEDGE, but has heard of photobiology. What you have an affinity to believe people with the last name of ‘Geller’?

So lets hope whoever takes over this docket listens to the science, not a degree that is not associated with human cell physiology.

August 16, 2018: So what the fuck is going on with CANCELLING the remaining agenda meetings? PRIOR to lack luster Joey's tenure, when there WAS NOT a QUORUM, there was someone brought in! So now its going to be SIX FUCKING weeks until the next agenda...well, September 26th meeting is going to be a fucking LONG drawn out one! August and September Calendars.

August 27, 2018: So WHY THE FUCK IS LACK LUSTER JOEY STILL ON PUKE? He is GONE, why hasn't their CRACK IT Team CORRECTED/UPDATED this information? And we pay for such diligence to DETAIL and ACCURACY???