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PUC Watch Dogs


PUCN WATCHDOGS is an UPDATED VERSION of PUC WATCHDOGS, an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and other PUC employees. The public has a right to see and know about who is making determinations that have a direct impact upon them.

Do NOT Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium with WatchDogs!

The First Amendment will be utilized, enacted and upheld! Opinions are just that opinions!

Humor is ALWAYS required when dealing with those who are under the misguided impression that they are "Above" everyone else.

If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office, you work for US. WE are YOUR employer, do your job or we will take you to task.

We have RIGHTS and will NOT have them SUBVERTED by any stretch of the imagination.

Established in 2017.

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 Updated: June 16, 2017

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December 3, 2018: Seems we have another one running from PUKE…job ad for Senior Utility Analyst. Seems that Carly Page up in Cartoon City is on the run…Run free Carly!

December 4, 2018: Clark County Commissioners voted for Harris to fill the remaining term of Aaron Ford. You can hear her ‘promotion’ of herself from 05:10:10 to 05:12:08.

Prior to her speaking, they stated that they were taking the caucus recommendations, as they MAY know the person better than the BOC.

December 11, 2018: In an interview, her asinine comment on how she VOTED, is cause for CONCERN! Whether or not a Constitutional Amendment is going to pass or NOT, you VOTE for the SUBJECT, not taking your RIGHT TO VOTE as a  PUBLIC WHIMSY!

“But Harris said she voted for the ballot question, which only garnered around 33 percent of the vote. Acknowledging its low chance of passage, she said she wanted to be “whimsical” with her ballot and that implementing a new market — while challenging — could possibly be rewarding.

I had a sense that was probably where it was going to go,” she said. “But I like competition, and I think it is unbelievably difficult to do in the energy sector, but if done right could be good. The chances of doing it right were probably pretty small, I’ll give the No on 3 side that, but I just felt like having a little fun with my vote, so I voted yes on 3.


Seeing some of the fucking DRAFT ORDERS from PUKE…was she being WHIMSY in drafting those also?

I had planned on showing up at the 12/17 agenda meeting and bring the following up…guess she figured she should nip it in the bud!

“Harris said she plans to begin looking for employment outside the PUC, in part because of the unsettled legal nature of executive branch employees serving in the Legislature. Although she is confident that she would prevail in any lawsuit, Harris said she didn’t necessarily want to invite the hassle or public scrutiny.

“I’ve never been sued before and I’m not looking to start now,” she said. “It’s a suit that I’m 100 percent sure in fact that we could win. And if I can find another job, then I will. If I cannot find another job, then I will continue to work in the position that I have, because of course I need a source of income just like everyone else. And I think that’s the proper balance.”

In the meantime, she said she plans to take unpaid leave throughout the 120-day legislative session. Although she was hesitant to suggest any potential detailed changes to the ratemaking structure overseen by the PUC, given her current and potentially future role with the agency, Harris noted that the structure of the part-time Legislature can lead to some “absurd” results.

What a paradox, isn’t it? There are some who would suggest that this is a conflict of interest, but yet it is the expertise that I might bring to the Legislature,” she said. “So I think that is one of the unfortunate consequences of how our Legislature is set up.

Paradox? Come on…all one has to do is look at the Admin Attorneys who left PUKE for the PRIVATE SECTOR and THEN CAME RUNNING BACK! They were probably hired to get the INSIDE DIRT on how PUKE works…once they got the info and DISCOVERED these renegades weren’t pulling in enough BILLABLE hours…they most likely got their walking papers!

So time will tell, if she leaves, how long will she survive outside of sucking at the public teat!


EVER FUCKING READ THE BOOK, ‘DELIBERATE DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA’ BY CHARLOTTE ISERBYT? Idealistic NOVICES THINK they have the answers, but NOT the BACKGROUND of how we got to where we are now!

December 21, 2018: WOW! Talking about dangling the proverbial carrot, then YANKING it AWAY! Seems they did a ‘SPECIAL AGENDA’ to discuss SW Goniff’s GRC! Anne-O did a great job UNTIL, she CHANNELED Donnie Boy and FUCKED the ratepayers. 

Apparently, most of what SW Goniff asked for was denied and the two points of contention, are asking ratepayers to shoulder MORE than THEIR FAIR SHARE!

The Board of Directors and D&O items are NOT acceptable at 50/50 for ratepayers.

Directors accept the fact, that with the position comes potential liability, for malfeasance /non-feasance etc. and a risk to their personal assets, thusly, there is D&O insurance. Since ratepayers have no input to the BOD nominees only share holders, SWG shareholders should share a greater financial burden of the liability.

While the ratepayers derive SOME benefit from the D&O liability insurance, the greater beneficiaries  are the BOD members. As any directives they make, have a greater financial impact to the shareholders MORE so than the ratepayers. As they again, approve the BOD, its their benefit, thus 75/25 split is both fair and equitable.

Feigning that the 50/50 split would reduce their ROE is a red herring. Along with that without the D&O reimbursement, any problems can be passed on to the ratepayers. WRONG! Their BOD is solely responsible for governance and oversight, they screw up, they are liable. Especially when its COMMON for these Directors to sit on OTHER boards.

What they think they are going to try and emulate the PG&E tactic to have their liability for the fires, be passed on to the ratepayers?

Let SWG go down if they err, as their decisions are not caused by the ratepayers! Do a 75/25 split.

I almost fell down laughing at the meeting. Our newly appointed ‘State Senator’ was hanging out in the back of the room, looking like a GANG BANGER, with a HOODIE on and to add more WHIMSY, had the CHUTZPAH to wear the hood up over her head! Anyone not knowing who she was, she came across like a street thug and one would wonder what they were doing at the meeting! So much for that ‘professional/polished’ look!

Is this a ‘forewarning’ of things to come…in addition to her ‘WHIMSY’ ATTITUDE when she voted for Question 3. SHE NEEDS TO BE CAREFULLY WATCHED HOW SHE VOTES up in CARTOON CITY!