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PUC Watch Dogs


PUCN WATCHDOGS is an UPDATED VERSION of PUC WATCHDOGS, an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and other PUC employees. The public has a right to see and know about who is making determinations that have a direct impact upon them.

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The First Amendment will be utilized, enacted and upheld! Opinions are just that opinions!

Humor is ALWAYS required when dealing with those who are under the misguided impression that they are "Above" everyone else.

If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office, you work for US. WE are YOUR employer, do your job or we will take you to task.

We have RIGHTS and will NOT have them SUBVERTED by any stretch of the imagination.

Established in 2017.

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 Updated: June 16, 2017

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MAY 2018


May 3, 2018: If the whacko liberals in Kookie-fornia get their ‘mission’ to divide it into 3 states approved, just how is that going to impact CASIO? Since the assholes who are promoting ECI here, there could be problems with them as an option, so, has anyone done any research into this?

May 9, 2018: The full ECI Committee met today. Joey had Garrett Baby try to ‘salvage’ his creditability regarding the report. Garrett went after Jonny Wellinghof for his statements that supposedly weren’t rooted in what actually transpired.

Hellie was doing the summary of the key findings of the report. Short-term increases for first 10 years, large commercial customers see benefits, in excess of 100 million in start up costs, liable to NVE for stranded costs in the billions, CASIO viable option that has challenges regarding oversight,. Kim Lightheart, CPA-estimates based upon submissions, 3 categories of costs

FIRST- 1st time-study by CASIO study, 2-CASIO join them, 2 sets of estimates for software, 1-time cost for education 500K to 100 million.

2nd NEW COSTS yearly, grid mgmt from CASIO 21-27M used 24M, NVE 15-24M 18.5 used, ongoing education nothing provided 1M was used, increased PUC costs 4.4M  2.2M used as an annual cost,

Too much to re-type, nevertheless, she did a very good explanation…yes, HELL HAS RE-FROZEN.

Roman baby joined in tapping dancing around this, watch out Gregory Hines…generation rates are cheaper here than other places of 8cents/kw.  Lower rates can’t be achieved with ECI.

Retail portion-POLR no suitable candidate to act as POLR, Valley Electric came forward ready to serve, but said, that they don’t have resources for entire state,

Default provider- acts as a POLR when launched then phased out and POLR exists thru, out of market/safety net.  Customers not making choices/residential for provider,  if NVE is not the default provider-force customers to be defaulted to a provider who has agreed to serve as a provider with a pre-determined rate/services,

POLR-rates in TX are higher/premium (above market)

Attorney for RESA, of course, disagreed with PUKE’S report.

Then we had to endure another diatribe by Wellinghof.

THEN HAD TO ENDURE OVER THIRTY FUCKING MINUTES in public comments, by a guy named Garret on Item #9…Then at 3:12pm, Paul Caudill of NVE agreed with Chris Brooks that this diatribe by the Pro-ECI guy should be agendiize, as right now without all backup and time to absorb everything, it’s a nightmare.

Garrett Weir had another bite of the apple to respond to the Pro-ECI shills.

May 10, 2018: Well, just when you THINK Joey FINALLY extracted his head out of his ass and saw the light…he expedites its return with his last endorsement on electric car charging stations.


Does this fucking sound like they are REDUCING emissions “But based on the EIA’s projection of the number of new electric vehicles, the net reduction in CO2emissions between 2018 and 2050 would be only about one-half of one percent of total forecast U.S. energy-related carbon emissions.”

REPORT FINDINGS:  “ ·  Broad-based adoption of ZEVs will increase overall emissions of sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, and particulates, compared with the same number of new internal combustion engines. The simple fact is that, because of stringent emissions standards and low-sulfur gasoline, new gasoline-powered cars and trucks today emit very little pollution, and they will emit even less in the future.

·  While new ZEVs will reduce CO2 emissions compared with new internal combustion vehicles, the overall reduction will be less than 1% of total forecast energy-related U.S. CO2 emissions through 2050. That reduction will have no measurable impact on world climate—and thus the economic value of CO2 emissions reductions associated with ZEVs is effectively zero.

·  Subsidies for ZEVs and the required infrastructure to support them benefit the higher-income consumers who can afford to purchase them at the expense of lower-income consumers who cannot. In California alone, the total cost of ZEV subsidies, including federal tax credits and state rebates for ZEV purchases, as well as subsidies for private and public charging infrastructure, is likely to exceed $100 billion.


May 30, 2018: PUKE's very own version of Punxsutawney Phil, Summer Camp Barbie, ONLY crawls out of her hole to EXTRACT more money from ratepayers, by increasing the Mill Tax. Increasing it from 2.71 to 3.28 mills, WHEN THE STATUTORY LIMIT IS 3.5! Resulting in a RESERVE of 2.9 MILLION!

Watch these assholes submit a fucking Bill Draft Request to fucking INCREASE the current limit during the 2019 Legislative Session! Using their SOP fucking excuse 'we need to hire more people'! Maybe if they fucking hired EXPERIENCED people, they wouldn't need to keep hiring multiple person  to do the work of ONE COMPETENT person!