PUCN WATCHDOGS is an UPDATED VERSION of PUC WATCHDOGS, an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and other PUC employees. The public has a right to see and know about who is making determinations that have a direct impact upon them. Do NOT Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium with WatchDogs! The First Amendment will be utilized, enacted and upheld! Opinions are just that opinions!
Humor is ALWAYS required when dealing with those who are under the misguided impression that they are "Above" everyone else. If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office, you work for US. WE are YOUR employer, do your job or we will take you to task.
We have RIGHTS and will NOT have them SUBVERTED by any stretch of the imagination.
Established in 2017.
Site Contents
Updated: June 16, 2017
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September 7, 2017: My latest email to PUKE, via Trish Osbourne, Ass't. Commission Secretary...regarding no respect for the Jewish faith, to hold a Consumer Session on one of their HIGH HOLY DAYS!
Trish, When tyranny is running rampant, sooner or later, their mendacious suppression of the public and ego, allows them to make major fuck-ups. Joey should NOT have cut out the 1pm consumer sessions, as those in Elko could have gone to that one. But when dealing with a ‘carbon based unit’, who thinks he is the ultimate ‘authority’, Karma comes along and shows them, they are wrong! September 11, 2017: General Rate Case Consumer Session tonight. I was looking for the RED CARPET and lights...as Joey must have taken a dramatic arts course at UNLV as part of his English Major Degree. As he was WORKING, the CONCERNED PERSONA, for Channel 8's camera! Maybe we need to have the media at EVERY meeting that the public is allowed to comment on, as this was the ONLY FUCKING TIME, he responded to comments, otherwise, he embraces his 'bump on a log' persona, towards the public! He DIDN'T disappoint and ATTEMPT TO CLOAK HIS EGO, whereby, he HAD to be the CENTER OF ATTENTION, by INTENTIONALLY NOT HAVING ON THE DIAS, NVE AND BCP! He RELEGATED them to the REGULAR TABLE, SANS name plate, so that EVERYONE had to look at 'his greatness'! With so many of the REGULAR STAFF there, who have BEEN at NUMEROUS Consumer Sessions before, they SHOULD have had this done, during their set up time! Why would they DEVIATE from SOP, unless it was Joey's mandate! To FURTHER PROMOTE his AGENDA, to NOT HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC...after the public spoke, EVERY OTHER CHAIR, allowed the public to GIVE FURTHER COMMENTS, WHICH HE DIDN'T DO! Another chair WANTED TO HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC, to the point, as much as they wanted to speak, at the annual consumer session, WHICH WAS PACKED AT BOTH THE 1 & 6pm SESSIONS...so that she could understand the issues/problems the public were having. God forbid, Joey does that!!!!!! LETS NOT FORGET THE COUP DE GRAS!!!!!!!!!! TONIGHT THE PUBLIC GOT FIVE MINUTES TO SPEAK, TOMORROW AT THE ANNUAL CONSUMER SESSION YOU GET THREE! SOME PEOPLE MAY WONDER WHY, BUT, IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PUKE...THIS IS THE ONLY CONSUMER SESSION THAT GOES TO THE LEGISLATURE, SO THEY ARE DOING EVERY FUCKING THING, THEY CAN, TO MINIMIZE COMPLAINTS ABOUT THEM! BRIBRI'S BATBOY JOEY, HAS TO LOOK GOOD, SO, THIS IS HIS WAY OF SAYING...'LOOK, MY LORD/MASTER, THE PUBLIC HAS NO COMPLAINTS, I AM DOING MY LORD/MASTER'S WORK...AREN'T YOU PROUD OF YOUR INDENTURED SERVANT'? YOU WILL NEVER BE ALAINA! So much for his BULLSHIT to the 'camera', we want to hear from the public! NOT TO NEGLECT...HIS OVERT REFUSAL TO INTRODUCE HIMSELF TO THE PUBLIC. EVERY SINGLE CHAIR, PERSONALLY BEFORE THE ANNUAL CONSUMER SESSIONS, CAME AND 'MINGLED'. EVEN PAUL, WHO YOU REPLACED, BEFORE AND AFTER THE CONSUMER SESSION, CAME AND SPOKE WITH THE PUBLIC. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF JOEY?! THAT YOU DON'T HAVE BOY TOY AND BARBIE TO 'TRAIL' BEHIND YOU AND PROTECT YOU FROM THE BIG, BAD PUBLIC?? September 12, 2017: OMG! JUST FOUND OUT RINO SANDOVAL APPOINTS JOEY BABY'S WIFE AS HIS GENERAL COUNSEL! ANOTHER ONE TO PROMOTE HIS NEVADA NIGHTMARE EUPHEMISTICALLY REFERRED TO AS HIS 'NEW NEVADA'! http://gov.nv.gov/News-and-Media/Press/2017/Sandoval-Announces-Hiring-Of-Kathryn-Reynolds-as-General-Counsel/ WHO NEXT? JOEY'S KIDS AS KID AMBASSADORS PROMOTING RAILROADS? THE INCEST IS OUT OF CONTROL BETWEEN THESE TWO FAMILIES! September 12, 2017: Tonight we had the annual mandated consumer session, or what the public refers to it as, the ‘annual bitch session’. I intentionally posted about last night’s GRC consumer session, addressing the discrepancies between Joey Baby and other Commissioners. I wanted to see, which ones he would try to mitigate and assuage his ‘image’. Last night we got FIVE minutes, tonight I walked in and we had FIVE instead of the THREE as referenced in the meeting notice. The media was there, so, I KNEW Joey was going to be biting his tongue, while having to deal with the comments. I wound up being the 2nd one to speak…with the number of people there, I was surprised only a handful spoke. Best Actor Award Winner Joey, must have thought I was on drugs, when my opening comment was to thank him for giving us FIVE minutes, that I appreciated these consumer sessions, where I could vent my spleen…that should have been the clue, to hold on, its going to be a hell of a bumpy five minutes ahead LOL When I commented on how he doesn’t mingle or personally introduce himself to the public, I decided to add, ‘what are you afraid of? I’m only 5 feet tall’! LOL Here are my comments, the ‘red’ are some of my ad-libbing. I wanted to make sure that my COMMENTS were VERIFIABLE, so, I had about 40 pages of exhibits. Wanting to make sure that ALL the pages were submitted to the court reporter, I told her, I had 42 pages and wanted all of them attached to the transcript and docket, along with repeating 42!! I trust Debbie, I don’t trust Joey’s minions who might be trying to ‘soften’ his ‘public image’. One person asked what is the definition of ‘in the public interest’. His response, ‘that’s a philosophical question and we are HERE TO LISTEN TO YOU’!!! Gregory Hines would be hard pressed to tap-dance around that response! Another person addressed other unacceptable practices of PUKE. Including stating that since Vegas is the metropolis of NV, not Cartoon City any more, so we should have TWO of the Commissioners representing Southern Nevada. Joey’s response, he grew up in Vegas and is FAMILIAR with it, HE HASN’T LIVED HERE FOR PROBABLY 10 PLUS YEARS! He doesn’t know our needs! Now, I have EMPHATICALLY asserted that Shill Joey, has been INFORMED to PROMOTE SOLAR, for BriBri. Guess what...he showed his OVERT DISCRIMINATION/DISMISSIVE ATTITUDE towards the non-solar ratepayers in attendance tonight. One of the solar shills, was saying how he was there with SUPPORTERS in the audience, so he ASKED for those in the audience, who SUPPORTED solar to stand up. NOT everyone stood up. So since this was a transcript not a video...I HAVE THE ONLY VIDEO...Solar Joey, actually showed EMOTION, ok, GLEE, while he 'counted' those standing, he said he counted 16, the shill said 22, so Joey said we have 22 SUPPORTERS standing. HE DID NOT, STATE HOW MANY DID NOT STAND UP! PROOF POSITIVE, HE IS ONLY GOING TO PROMOTE SOLAR AND DISMISS THOSE WHO ARE NOT ON BOARD, WITH MUSK'S BOY TOY AKA SANDOVAL, NEW NV!!!!!
September 13, 2017: Because of 'Stop the public from commenting' Joey, HALTED the 1pm consumer session, a Washoe ratepayer had to upload her comment and its NOT on the transcript. So here it is. September 21, 2017: PUKE ACTUALLY GRANTED a 2nd CONSUMER SESSION regarding the GRC! As USUAL...Staff had to APPEAR as if they were ACTING IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST! To reconfirm that Barbie knows Jack Shit how to run an office, in Staff's Response they were worried about employee's time...ITS CALLED STAGGERED WORK HOURS! Good God, these people would NEVER make it in the REAL WORLD... September 24, 2017: Let me get the info out first, before I address the current rumor floating around about PUKE. So Rino Sandoval rewarded another shill with a tax/ratepayer funded position. Bruce Breslow was appointed as the replacement for Paul Thomson who resigned months ago. So what qualifications does Bruce have for this job…keep digging, you won’t find ANY! He has a degree in journalism…ok, so he can go toe to toe with Joey over irrelevant diatribes about themselves. Will Bruce talk regarding a docket, as if he is calling a sports event? Will he try to channel Howard Cosell? If so, I can’t wait to hear his attempt to manufacture Cosell’s Brooklyn Jewish accent! Finally got around to watching his inaugural appearance at the September 13th, agenda meeting. He nicknamed himself…as he admitted he was going to be asking ‘WHY’ a lot…OK! Why means you know Jack Shit! Another fucking TRAINEE at the top of the salary range and another one to add to our own wannabe Brylcream model Sandoval’s daisy chain! What I found EXTREMELY indicative of Breslow, is that he apparently has an ego, or thinks VERY highly of himself. For example, he is the FIRST person, I have seen or heard of, to have TWO LinkedIn Profiles: 1, 2! So lets address this rumor or is it a HIDDEN FACT that they are trying to cover up? Either way, now its going public. That Breslow was appointed for A FOUR YEAR TERM with PUKE! ‘Kiss My Ass & Get A Government Job’ Sandoval, announced that Breslow would be replacing Paul Thomsen, effective September 5th, as a PUKE Commissioner. Now, Paul came on board in 2015, replacing Rebecca Wagner who decided not to accept a reappointment as a Commissioner. So Thomsen’s term WOULD EXPIRE IN 2019! Reynolds replaced Noble in 2016, whose TERM EXPIRES IN 2020. In October of 2016, Burtenshaw was replaced by Ann Pomgrancz to finish her term that EXPIRES IN 2017! So how does SOMEONE/BRESLOW WHO IS REPLACING A PERSON/THOMSEN WHOSE TERM EXPIRES IN 2019, GARNER A FOUR YEAR TERM? Where is the reappointment of Pomgrancz who replaced Burtenshaw, whose term is up now/2017? Apparently, if the rumor is correct, Kiss My Ass Sandoval, renewed Pomgrancz term with Breslow and threw Pomgrancz under Thomsen’s term. KISS MY ASS SANDOVAL, COULD HAVE APPOINTED BRESLOW MONTHS EARLIER! BUT, HE IRONICALLY, WAITS UNTIL A COMMISSIONER’S REAPPOINTMENT SPOT COMES UP! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? WHO IS GOING TO INVESTIGATE IF THIS RUMOR IS IN FACT TRUE. IF SO, SANDOVAL NEEDS TO BE HELD CULPABLE FOR FRAUD, DECEPTION, NEPOTISM, IN POSITIONING HIS CRONIES INTO JOBS, WITH WRONGFUL TERMS, SO THAT WHEN HE LEAVES IN JANUARY 2019, HIS FAVORITES ARE ASSURED JOBS?!?!?!?!?
September 27,
2017: Never failing to spend other people's money
recklessly, Doughy Joey Reynolds, unqualified chair of PUKE, has
come up with a new approach to public service.
Simple-his SLACKERS, err, employees, would be unable to follow Doughy Joey, as his entourage/unqualified ‘security detail’! Along with spending the time of employees who understand regulatory issues, having to train newbie’s, who have ONE YEAR OF LEGAL EXPERIENCE!